Classified Staff Council
Southern’s Classified Staff Council (CSC) is an elected body whose purpose is to represent classified staff, to consider and recommend policy regarding staff welfare, and become an avenue to voice staff suggestions and concerns.
What We Do

The function of the Classified Staff Council is to:
- Support Southern’s effort in accomplishing its mission and vision
- Review and make recommendations regarding institutional policies and procedures
- Provide representation to the college and professional organizations
- Provide professional development opportunities for classified staff
- Address issues of concern involving classified staff individually or collectively
- Bring concerns of classified staff to the attention of the college community, administration, and the Board of Governors
- Stimulate and strengthen the morale and employee satisfaction of classified staff
Officers and Committee Members
Chair: Kim Maynard, Director of Libraries II – Logan 304.896.7345,
West Virginia Advisory Council of Classified Employees (WVACCE) Representative:
Shelly Stewart, Student Communications Specialist,
Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College
Board of Governors Representative:
Chris Gray, Bursar,
Primary Occupational Activity (POA) Representatives:
Service/Craft/Maintenance – Scott Pritchard 304.896.7352,
Service/Craft/Maintenance – Mark Bowens 304.236.7647
Secretarial/Clerical/Office – Brittany Fekete 304.896.7333
Secretarial/Clerical/Office – Patty Brooks 304.294.2001
Professional/Non-Faculty – Angie Dotson 304.896.7330
Professional/Non-Faculty – Judy Slazo 304.896.7367
Technical/Paraprofessional – Matthew Hatfield 304.236.7611
Technical/Paraprofessional – Lee Stroud 304.896.7370
Administrative/Managerial – (vacant-all POA members on CSC)
Administrative/Managerial – Dianna Toler 304.896.7315
Campus Representatives:
Logan Campus – Cassandra Goble 304.896.7373
Williamson Campus – Ruby Runyon 304.236.7650
Boone/Lincoln Campus – James Parker 304.307.0707
Wyoming Campus – Michael Hunter 304.294.2006
Recorder: Shelly Stewart, Student Communications Specialist, 304.236.7619
Other Governance Committee Representatives
Financial Exigency Committee:
Patricia Brooks, 304.294.2001,
Standing Governance Committee Representatives
Strategic Planning and Financial Review Committee:
Professional Development Sub-Committee:
Purpose – To review applications for professional development funds from classified staff employees requesting specific training assistance. Any Classified Staff member needing assistance with educational-professional development costs should submit a completed application to the committee Chair. Applications can be found HERE.
Chair – Kim Maynard 304.896.7345,
Logan Campus Rep — Cassandra Goble 304.896.7373
Williamson Campus Rep — Ruby Runyon
Boone/Lincoln Campus Rep — Anna Evans
Wyoming Campus Rep – Michael Hunter
Southern Samaritans
Purpose – To provide funding assistance to classified employees who have been affected by serious or catastrophic events such as illness, flooding or fire. Funding requests may be submitted by email to any committee member with the name of the employee in need and a description of the situation.
Chair – Cassandra Goble 304.896.7373
Hallmark Sub-Committee
Purpose – To honor employees by sending cards on their special days such as birthdays or new arrivals to their families and condolences during the loss of a loved one. Submit event information by email to any committee member.
Logan Campus Rep – Angela Dotson
Williamson Campus Rep – Anita Messer
Boone/Lincoln Campus Rep – Vacant
Wyoming Campus Rep – Patty Brooks
Website Sub-Committee
Purpose – This committee’s purpose is two-fold. It is to:
- educate and inform internal and external customers about the functions of Southern’s classified staff in service to our students, faculty, staff, and community via Southern’s website and
- provide classified staff members easy access to pertinent information, forms, policies and resources.
Legislative Sub-Committee
Purpose – To monitor current state bills and legislative committee activity of interest to and/or affecting classified staff and provide regular updates.
Chair –
ACCE Rep – Shelly Stewart
BOG Rep – Chris Gray
Meeting Minutes
Holiday Calendar
Contact CSC
For information relating to Southern’s classified staff, please contact
Donna Lafferty, Recorder
Phone: 304.294.2002