Effective assessment of student learning is a matter of commitment, not a matter of compliance. To that end, Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College is dedicated to establishing a culture of assessment embedded in every aspect of the educational process. Assessing, understanding, and improving student learning is an ongoing, institution-wide process that involves all stakeholders, both internal and external. The Academic Assessment Subcommittee (AAS) is responsible for facilitating the assessment of general education, program, and course-level outcome attainment.
Effective assessment of student learning is a matter of commitment, not a matter of compliance. To that end, Southern West Virginia Community and Technical College is dedicated to establishing a culture of assessment embedded in every aspect of the educational process. Assessing, understanding, and improving student learning is an ongoing, institution-wide process that involves all stakeholders, both internal and external. The Academic Assessment Subcommittee (AAS) is responsible for facilitating the assessment of general education, program, and course-level outcome attainment.
General Education Outcomes
The faculty of Southern dedicate themselves to preparing the College’s graduates for life and work in the twenty-first century. Southern is committed to providing each graduate with the skills and knowledge necessary for professional and personal success. The purpose of general education at Southern is to produce generally educated students who contribute to their communities and country. A generally educated student is a life-long learner with a common academic canon of knowledge, concepts and attitudes.
Southern is committed to providing general education to help students develop the qualities and skills associated with college-educated adults. Southern’s general education promotes the development of independent, critical, and conceptual thinking skills and those skills necessary for effective communication. Southern’s general education provides students with an integrated view of knowledge and prepares them for their role as productive and responsible members of society.
Southern is committed to providing a general education program that is designed to help students develop the qualities and skills associated with college-educated adults. Students who have completed the general education requirements of an associate degree will have improved competencies. The college’s general education outcomes (Institutional Outcomes) are:
List of General Education Outcomes
Written Communication: Students will demonstrate effective written communication (W) by expressing thoughts, ideas, and information clearly and effectively through written mediums that exhibit the following qualities:
W1 Purpose is clearly stated.
W2 Organization is structured and has a clear beginning, middle, and end.
W3 Ideas are thoroughly developed and support the thesis, purpose, or controlling idea.
W4 Grammar and mechanics are correct and do not interfere with readability.
W5 Language and style are appropriate for the intended audience and subject matter.
Verbal Communication: Students will demonstrate effective verbal communication (V) by delivering presentations or engaging in dialogue-centered specific content that illustrates the following features:
V1 Purpose is clearly stated.
V2 Organization has a clear beginning, middle, and end.
V3 Ideas and conclusions are thoroughly developed and support the purpose or objective.
V4 Audience is actively engaged.
V5 Delivery is clear and effective.
Quantitative Literacy: Students will demonstrate quantitative literacy (Q) by using quantitative methods to calculate solutions to diverse problems and career-specific situations and interpreting and applying the results, effectively exhibiting the following:
Q1 Performing mathematically correct calculations.
Q2 Interpreting the results and forming data-supported conclusions.
Q3 Applying the results to specific situations.
Critical Thinking: Students will demonstrate critical thinking (CT) by exploring issues/objects/works through the collection and analysis of evidence that results in informed conclusions, effectively demonstrating the following:
CT1 Identifying the issue.
CT2 Gathering credible information.
CT3 Analyzing relevant information.
CT4 Formulating a conclusion.
Intercultural Knowledge and Competence: Students will demonstrate intercultural knowledge and competence (IC) recognizing diversity, as well as interacting and cooperating in a diverse setting, including, but not limited to, differences in race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, social class, physical ability or attributes, religious or ethical values system, national origin, or political belief, effectively demonstrating the following:
IC1 Recognizing cultural diversity.
IC2 Communicating in a diverse setting.
IC3 Collaborating in a diverse context.
List of General Education Rubrics
General Education competencies are assessed wherever or however learning occurs, utilizing rubrics. Simply put, a rubric is a scoring tool that identifies specific expectations for a task or assignment. Rubrics divide the task into its component parts and provide a detailed description of what constitutes an acceptable or unacceptable level of performance for each of those parts (Stevens and Levi, 2005). The General Education Competency rubrics utilized by the College are:
General Education Assessment Reports
Program-Level Assessment
Program Level Assessment is designed to ensure excellent educational programs that address student and community needs. It is helpful to focus on where the program is now from a variety of perspectives, where do we want the program to go in the future, and what process does Southern need to take to reach that point.
The purpose of Program Level Assessment is to:
- Provide quality programs through peer review and self-evaluation.
- Encourage systematic collection and review of student learning assessment and effective measures.
- Ensure that the program meets its stated mission and addresses the strategic direction of the college.
- Recognize and celebrate achievements and successes.
- Identify and address concerns and difficulties.
- Address and fulfill accreditation requirements.
Program Review Schedule 2024-2028
Program Outcomes
Degree and certificate programs of study have identified program-specific outcomes. These program outcomes reflect those competencies that students will possess and demonstrate upon graduation. The program outcomes reflect those areas of knowledge, skills, and professional dispositions valued by workplace employers and other stakeholders. Degree programs measure both General Education competency and program-specific outcomes attainment, while certificate programs predominately measure program-specific outcomes attainment. Program Outcomes are listed under degrees or certificates. In summary, the program outcomes are Southern’s contract with all stakeholders and reflect those competencies that students will possess and demonstrate upon graduation.
Curriculum Mapping
The second way Southern’s assesses programs is through curriculum mapping. A curriculum map is a tool to link parts of program (General Education Courses and Program Courses) to General Education Outcomes and Program Outcomes. The goal is to identify the student’s progression and note where outcomes are assessed. Mapping help to note where gaps or overlaps occur which may impede student success.
Curriculum Mapping Template (under construction)
Curriculum Maps
- Central Sterile Technician Curriculum Map 2022-2023
- Criminal Justice Curriculum Map 2023-2024
- Medical Coding Curriculum Map 2023-2024
- Medical Laboratory Technology Curriculum Map 2023-2024
- Nursing Curriculum Map 2023-2024
- Surgical Technology Curriculum Map 2022-2023
Annually, the Program Directors submit an annual report after the spring semester of the previous cohort. Graduating cohort will be assessed in the next year after passage rates, completion rates, and job placement rates are collected. This survey documents the program’s individual attempt to more succinctly and comprehensively identify and measure program outcomes attainment and to use this information to improve student learning and instructor teaching. Each year, the Program Directors will assess at least 20% of the program outcomes per academic year of the previous graduating cohort. This insure that all programs outcomes will be assessed prior to the five-year program review process. Program Directors and faculty will work collaboratively to determine which Program Outcome to be assessed. After the surveys are completed, the Director of Accreditation and Assessment will share feedback from the assessment.
Five-Year Program Review
Each defined program at Southern will undergo a program review according to the Program Review Schedule five-year cycle. This program review is a self-study which identifies strengths and weaknesses and is submitted to the Board of Governors.
Course-Level Assessment
Student Learning Outcomes
All courses offered at Southern identify those specific outcomes that drive the content and learning activities within the course. The Course Student Learning Outcomes are listed in the individual course syllabi
Course-Level Report
The goals of faculty assessment of student learning at the course level is to identify what has and has not worked at increasing learning in future course. All faculty are required to complete and submit a report at the end of each semester they teach. This report provides a means to assess what method of teaching worked and what did not work as well. Completed forms are submitted to the Director of Accreditation and Assessment at the completion of the semester.
Assessment Reports
Documentation of the activities involved in the assessment, analysis, and improvement of student learning at the general education, program, and course-levels at Southern are documented in the following:
Faculty Assessment Guide
Assessment of student learning is an ongoing process and required of all full and part-time faculty. Those stakeholders involved in the plan-do-study-adjust cycle of student assessment must remain current with the latest research and information as it relates to student academic achievement. In an effort to keep those interested parties up-to-date as to the current requirements of assessment at the College, Southern maintains the following:
Although efforts to improve student persistence, retention, and completion are the responsibility of all faculty and staff at Southern, Student Services is charged with the development and implementation of a formal Strategic Enrollment Management Plan (SEMP). The purpose of the SEMP is to document the systematic and comprehensive approach to improving, among other things, student retention, persistence, and completion. The SEMP is available upon request for examination from the Student Services Office.
Current, up-to-date course syllabi are critical to student learning and success. The course syllabi should be viewed as a contract between the student, faculty, and College that documents expectations between the three parties. Most importantly, the course syllabus specifically identifies what the faculty member requires and expects from the student during the duration of the course as well as what the student should expect from the faculty member teaching the course. Course syllabi must be updated every semester prior to the first day of class.
Student Policies
Southern WV Community and Technical College recognizes co-curricular learning as ungraded learning that happens outside the classroom but helps the learning occurring within the institution. Academics and co-curricular go “hand-in-hand,” helping students down their education journey on a road to success. In March 2023, during a collaborative effort, Southern developed a meaningful definition of co-curricular, goals, and a plan to guide through Co-Curricular Assessment. Southern is integrating its Institutional General Education Outcomes with the CAS (Council for the Advancement of Standards for Higher Education) to serve as its co-curricular learning and development model. Each department will develop an Assessment Plan yearly by submitting Program Goals. The data will then be evaluated and changes made to further promote student success.